About Us

Quad is a global marketing services company. In Europe it operates in six different countries. Currently it is employing almost 2000 highly qualified staff. Company is committed to sustainability initiatives, with 100% of Quad’s plant electricity coming from renewable sources and have rich portfolio of eco-friendly products certified by PEFC, FSC, and EU Ecolabel.

Press releases

Der nächste große Schritt für Quad Europe

Die Ernennung eines neuen Präsidenten markiert einen wichtigen Moment für unser Unternehmen, das sich zu einem Marketing-Service-Partner für... read more

23.06.2021 • By Quad Europe

Next big step for Quad Europe

The appointment of a new President marks an important moment for the company, which aims to transform into a marketing services partner for its... read more

23.06.2021 • By Quad Europe

Une nouvelle étape déterminante pour Quad Europe

La nomination d'un nouveau Président marque un moment important pour l'entreprise, qui vise à se transformer en un partenaire de services... read more

23.06.2021 • By Quad Europe
